Covid test evidence - We will accept a medical practitioner’s report confirming unfit to travel as like any other illness.
Letter/summons from court if you're called for jury service or as a court witness
Letter from an employer if you're being made redundant or if you are a member of the Armed Forces, police, fire or medical professional and leave is cancelled
Police report if your travel documents have been stolen or if your home is damaged and is unsafe to be left unattended
Medical or Dental expenses
Medical expenses abroad refer to unforeseen and unexpected costs incurred while traveling in another country due to non-emergency healthcare needs.
Policy Certificate
Booking invoice - showing your dates of travel to/from your home area
Illness or Injury Expenses
Receipts, Invoices for medical expenses you had to pay
Receipts for extra accommodation and travelling expenses you had to pay
Medical Report from the hospital that confirms why you were admitted, the date you were admitted, and the date you were discharged
Receipts, Invoices for dental expenses you had to pay
Dental Report from the facility to confirm the treatment received
Baggage - Loss, Theft, Damaged or Delayed
Policy Certificate
Booking invoice - showing your dates of travel to/from your home area.
Loss of Theft
Police report which confirms the date of the loss/theft and lists the items lost/stolen
A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from the airline if items were lost/stolen while in their care
Proof of ownership (including value) such as receipts
Mobile phones - proof of contact to the service provider to discontinue service from the date of loss/theft, IEMI, and the date the phone was ceased
A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from the airline if items were lost/stolen while in their care
An estimate of repair or report from a reputable repairer confirming the item is beyond economical repair
Missed Flight or Departure
Missed departure occurs when you fail to reach your international departure point in order to take your scheduled transport, this section aims to cover costs involved in you reaching your overseas destination or returing back home.
Policy Certificate
Booking invoice - showing your dates of travel to/from your home area.
One of the following
Letter from the public transport operator confirming the cause of the delay or cancellation of services
Report from the motor vehicle recovery or repair service
Letter from the airline confirming the flight diversion causing a delay
Letter from the relevant authority confirming that the results of the Covid test were delayed and so causing your missed departure
Police Report confirming your travel documents were stolen while abroad
Curtailment - returned home early
Policy Certificate
Booking invoice - showing your dates of travel to/from your home area and the full breakdown of the cost of your trip
Cancellation Invoice showing details of any refunds given/due for unused parts of your original trip (flights, accommodation, car hire, excursions, etc)
One of the following
Medical report/letter from treating doctor aboard which explains why you had to cut short your trip (if due to a close relative at home, then we'll need a report or letter from their GP)